UNESCO-Greece Melina Mercouri International Prize for the Safeguarding and Man
The Prize rewards outstanding action to safeguard and enhance the world’s major cultural landscapes - a category of World Heritage -, which can contribute significantly to sustainable development and achieve a number of goals set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The prizewinner, who may be an individual, an institution or a non-governmental organization, will receive a monetary award of 30,000 USD.
Application must be submitted before 30th April 2019.
The Award Ceremony is in Autumn at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France.
The Prize was created in 1995, it is generously supported by the Greek Government.
The prize is named after Melina Mercouri, a distinguished actress and former Minister of Culture of Greece, who was a strong advocate of integrated conservation.
It was renewed at the 202nd session of the Executive Board in October 2017 (the last Prize was awarded in 2011).
The Prize is awarded every two years to one winner.
The prize has been awarded six times between 1995 and 2011.
The next Prize will be awarded in Autumn 2019, in connection with the 40th Session of the UNESCO General Conference.
Who may submit nominations for the Prize?
Governmental agencies from UNESCO Member States, in consultation with their National Commissions for UNESCO;
NGOs that have official partnerships with UNESCO, and
International, regional and national professionals, academic and non governmental organizations active in the field of cultural landscapes.
Who is eligible? Individuals, site managers, institutions, other entities, communities or non-governmental organizations (NGOS) that have made a significant contribution to the safeguarding, management and enhancement of the world’s major cultural landscapes.
Nomination process
The nomination process takes place online through the UNESCO website. The online nominations should be received by UNESCO in English or French by 30th April 2019 at the latest (midnight Paris time, UTC+1).
Online nomination form: https://secure.unesco.org/whc-survey/index.php/739249?lang=en