序号 | 问题 | 回答 | 链接 | 图片 | 删除 |
108 | 核心区|框架规划 | 03.[Sasaki] Monumental Core Framework Plan.pdf | http://up.caup.net/gxj/files/20180515/D/Sasaki/03.[Sasaki] Monumental Core Framework Plan.pdf | | 删除 |
107 | 总体规划 | 02.[Sasaki] Innovista Master Plan.pdf | http://up.caup.net/gxj/files/20180515/D/Sasaki/02.[Sasaki] Innovista Master Plan.pdf | | 删除 |
106 | 市中心总体规划 | 01.[Sasaki] Downtown Rochester Master Plan Report.pdf | http://up.caup.net/gxj/files/20180515/D/Sasaki/01.[Sasaki] Downtown Rochester Master Plan Report.pdf | | 删除 |
105 | 校园生态规划 | 校园水景:作为阿肯色大学运动谷校园改善规划平台的分水岭.pdf | http://up.caup.net/gxj/files/20180515/D/uark(University of Arkansas Community Design Center and Marlon Blackwell Architect )/校园水景:作为阿肯色大学运动谷校园改善规划平台的分水岭.pdf | | 删除 |
104 | 城市设计 | 维洛尼亚理念 .pdf | http://up.caup.net/gxj/files/20180515/D/uark(University of Arkansas Community Design Center and Marlon Blackwell Architect )/维洛尼亚理念 .pdf | | 删除 |
103 | 艺术街区 | 四个叙事故事锚定艺术区 .pdf | http://up.caup.net/gxj/files/20180515/D/uark(University of Arkansas Community Design Center and Marlon Blackwell Architect )/四个叙事故事锚定艺术区 .pdf | | 删除 |
102 | 书籍|低影响开发|城市设计 | 书籍版:低影响开发——城市设计手册.pdf | http://up.caup.net/gxj/files/20180515/D/uark(University of Arkansas Community Design Center and Marlon Blackwell Architect )/书籍版:低影响开发——城市设计手册.pdf | | 删除 |
101 | 城市总体规划 | 生产性城市,2030年Fayetteville城市愿景.pdf | http://up.caup.net/gxj/files/20180515/D/uark(University of Arkansas Community Design Center and Marlon Blackwell Architect )/生产性城市,2030年Fayetteville城市愿景.pdf | | 删除 |
100 | 绿色街区 | 栖息地:从填充住宅到绿色街区.pdf | http://up.caup.net/gxj/files/20180515/D/uark(University of Arkansas Community Design Center and Marlon Blackwell Architect )/栖息地:从填充住宅到绿色街区.pdf | | 删除 |
99 | 邻里振兴计划 | 佩特韦邻里振兴计划.pdf | http://up.caup.net/gxj/files/20180515/D/uark(University of Arkansas Community Design Center and Marlon Blackwell Architect )/佩特韦邻里振兴计划.pdf | | 删除 |
98 | 邻里社区 | 门廊:一个负担得起的LEED邻里社区.pdf | http://up.caup.net/gxj/files/20180515/D/uark(University of Arkansas Community Design Center and Marlon Blackwell Architect )/门廊:一个负担得起的LEED邻里社区.pdf | | 删除 |
97 | 公园总体规划 | 麦克阿瑟公园区总体规划.pdf | http://up.caup.net/gxj/files/20180515/D/uark(University of Arkansas Community Design Center and Marlon Blackwell Architect )/麦克阿瑟公园区总体规划.pdf | | 删除 |
96 | 零售大卖场|商业综合体 | 零售大卖场的社会调查:沃尔玛商店的类型学调研.pdf | http://up.caup.net/gxj/files/20180515/D/uark(University of Arkansas Community Design Center and Marlon Blackwell Architect )/零售大卖场的社会调查:沃尔玛商店的类型学调研.pdf | | 删除 |
95 | 邻里社区 | 拉尔夫邦奇邻里愿景计划.pdf | http://up.caup.net/gxj/files/20180515/D/uark(University of Arkansas Community Design Center and Marlon Blackwell Architect )/拉尔夫邦奇邻里愿景计划.pdf | | 删除 |
94 | 公园生态规划 | 空地、集群、走廊:树园.pdf | http://up.caup.net/gxj/files/20180515/D/uark(University of Arkansas Community Design Center and Marlon Blackwell Architect )/空地、集群、走廊:树园.pdf | | 删除 |
93 | 河流流域框架规划 | 康威城市流域框架规划.pdf | http://up.caup.net/gxj/files/20180515/D/uark(University of Arkansas Community Design Center and Marlon Blackwell Architect )/康威城市流域框架规划.pdf | | 删除 |
92 | 公园规划|商业综合体设计 | 开罗:一个进化的新陈代谢.pdf | http://up.caup.net/gxj/files/20180515/D/uark(University of Arkansas Community Design Center and Marlon Blackwell Architect )/开罗:一个进化的新陈代谢.pdf | | 删除 |
91 | 社区|完整街区 | 建设社区促进社会和经济繁荣:一个完整的街区手册.pdf | http://up.caup.net/gxj/files/20180515/D/uark(University of Arkansas Community Design Center and Marlon Blackwell Architect )/建设社区促进社会和经济繁荣:一个完整的街区手册.pdf | | 删除 |
90 | 社区|综合体 | 惠特摩社区食物枢纽综合体规划.pdf | http://up.caup.net/gxj/files/20180515/D/uark(University of Arkansas Community Design Center and Marlon Blackwell Architect )/惠特摩社区食物枢纽综合体规划.pdf | | 删除 |
89 | 城市绿道 | 河岸草甸,土丘和房间:阿肯色州沃伦的城市绿道.pdf | http://up.caup.net/gxj/files/20180515/D/uark(University of Arkansas Community Design Center and Marlon Blackwell Architect )/河岸草甸,土丘和房间:阿肯色州沃伦的城市绿道.pdf | | 删除 |